county Luna
county Luna
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The World’s 10 Most (and Least) Expensive Cities - smartertravel.com - Los Angeles - Denmark - France - Switzerland - Usa - New York - Hong Kong - state Alaska - Singapore - city Singapore - South Korea - city Asian - India - city Copenhagen, Denmark - Pakistan - city New Delhi, India - city Paris, France - county Geneva - Kazakhstan - Syria - Venezuela - Zambia - Algeria - city Mumbai, India - city Expensive - city Seoul, South Korea - city Bangalore, India - city Chennai, India
27.07.2023 / 18:29

The World’s 10 Most (and Least) Expensive Cities

Editor’s Note: For the latest version of this story, see The World’s Most and Least Expensive Cities, Ranked.

Travel Is Even Worse for the World Than We Thought: Here’s What You Can Do - smartertravel.com - Usa - China - Maldives - India - Seychelles - Mauritius
27.07.2023 / 18:18

Travel Is Even Worse for the World Than We Thought: Here’s What You Can Do

We all know that air travel isn’t great for the environment, but a new study has found that tourism is four times worse for the environment than previously thought. The alarming research conducted by University of Sydney researchers and published in the journal Nature Climate Change found that the tourism industry (including direct sources like flights and indirect sources such as souvenir manufacturing) is responsible for eight percent of global greenhouse emissions, which is four times higher than scientists had previously estimated.

The World’s 10 Happiest and 5 Unhappiest Countries, Ranked - smartertravel.com - Netherlands - Iceland - Norway - Denmark - Finland - Sweden - Switzerland - Australia - New Zealand - Canada - Tanzania - Central African Republic - South Sudan - Yemen
27.07.2023 / 18:13

The World’s 10 Happiest and 5 Unhappiest Countries, Ranked

I don’t suppose that most travelers choose their trip destinations based on a country’s happiness index. On the other hand, if they knew that Country A scored near the top of the happiness index and Country B scored near the bottom, it seems probable they’d be inclined to book their flights to Country A. Who wants to spend their vacation among unhappy people?

The 25 Best Bargain Hotels in the World - smartertravel.com - Spain - Morocco - France - Greece - Italy - Australia - Ireland - Britain - Usa - South Africa - Brazil - Mexico - Belize - state Massachusets - Turkey - state Arkansas - Argentina - Vietnam - India - Thailand - Cambodia - Honduras - county Rock - Charleston, state South Carolina - state South Carolina - county Douglas - Venezuela - county Lucas - county Hopkins
27.07.2023 / 18:06

The 25 Best Bargain Hotels in the World

If you want to stay at the best hotel in the United States, head to the French Quarter Inn in Charleston, South Carolina. And if you’re looking for the best bargain hotel stay in the world, it’s in a small town in northern Spain. That’s according to TripAdvisor’s Travelers’ Choice Awards, which just shared the best hotel ratings for multiple categories heading into 2019.

The Happiest Countries in the World 2023 - smartertravel.com - Netherlands - Germany - Iceland - Norway - Austria - Belgium - Czech Republic - Denmark - Finland - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Sweden - Switzerland - Australia - Ireland - Israel - New Zealand - Britain - Usa - Canada
27.07.2023 / 17:57

The Happiest Countries in the World 2023

For the sixth year in a row, Finland has claimed the top spot in the World Happiness Report. The annual report, compiled by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, surveys residents in over 150 countries to determine which nations are the happiest.

The world's best backpacking destinations – as voted by you - roughguides.com - Spain - Peru - city Madrid - Vietnam - India - Thailand - city Bangkok - Sri Lanka - city Lima
21.07.2023 / 08:46

The world's best backpacking destinations – as voted by you

Backpacking can be one of the most rewarding ways to travel – with little more than your clothes on your back and an onward ticket in your hand. But where are the world’s best backpacking destinations? We asked our readers, and here are the results.

Inside 7 of the world's most enigmatic hotels - roughguides.com - Switzerland - Britain - Hong Kong - Jamaica - Singapore - city Singapore - city Dubai
21.07.2023 / 08:42

Inside 7 of the world's most enigmatic hotels

Often enormous and smack­bang in the centre of things, hotels are, it's fair to say, very, very there. But they're not easy presences: public yet exclusive, both welcoming and a little off­-putting at once, they’re some of the most enigmatic, story­-generating buildings around.

10 of the world's best marathons - roughguides.com - Morocco - Britain - China - state California - Jamaica - county Lake - Bhutan - India - Greenland - city Santa - region Tibet - county Chase
21.07.2023 / 08:42

10 of the world's best marathons

Running along the shimmering Arctic tundra in Greenland, jogging across the African savannah and racing through the Amazon are some of the exhilarating marathon experiences now on offer around the globe. From coastal routes in Jamaica and California to challenging courses in the blazing Sahara and freezing Polar Circle, a growing number of endurance events provide a dramatic change of scene and pace. Read on for our pick of the world's best marathons.

20 of the world's most impressive natural phenomena - roughguides.com - Norway - Finland - Sweden - Australia - Ireland - Britain - Usa - South Africa - Mexico - Canada - state Vermont - state Connecticut - state Maine - Colombia - state Alaska - Antarctica - state Massachusets - state New Hampshire - Chile - Scotland - state Rhode Island - Kenya - Ecuador
21.07.2023 / 08:41

20 of the world's most impressive natural phenomena

As the Antarctic winter draws in at the end of April, Emperor Penguins begin the long march inland to their breeding grounds. There, they mate, before taking turns to insulate the egg while their partner travels up to 80km to fish. Back in the colony the penguins huddle together to protect the eggs from temperatures below -50 degrees celsius; only a small fraction of chicks survive each year.

The world’s most welcoming countries – as voted by you - roughguides.com - Usa - Bolivia - India - Burma - Kenya - Uganda - county Churchill - county Winston
21.07.2023 / 08:41

The world’s most welcoming countries – as voted by you

Whether it’s a friendly face at check in or a taxi driver who’s full of useful tips, nothing beats getting a warm welcome on your travels – and our interactions with local people have a huge impact on how we view countries as a whole. We asked our Facebook and Twitter followers to share where they’ve found the most hospitable places around the world. Here’s what they said.

The best cheap eats around the world - roughguides.com - Japan - China - city Hanoi - India - city Bangkok - city Durban
21.07.2023 / 08:35

The best cheap eats around the world

No matter where in the world you're headed, we bet you're looking forward to a delicious meal or two. And many of the dishes easiest on the pocket are the tastiest on the tastebuds too.

Incredible photos of the world's rarest tribes - roughguides.com - New Zealand - China - India - Russia - Namibia
21.07.2023 / 08:32

Incredible photos of the world's rarest tribes

There are places in the world where little sign of western development exists, but it still threatens to change traditions and beliefs forever. Jimmy Nelson found and documented 31 of these traditional isolated communities in his quest to photograph the «purity of humanity».

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