Archaeology tips

Peru’s Other ‘Lost City’ Preserves the Oldest Known Civilization in the Americas - - Peru - Egypt - city Lost - city Lima

Peru’s Other ‘Lost City’ Preserves the Oldest Known Civilization in the Americas

Predating the Inca Empire by four millennia, a far-flung desert settlement in northern Peru preserves the oldest known civilization in the Americas. Although now inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a natural warm-up for the Sacred Valley, Caral and its astonishingly intact pyramids and sunken plazas have evaded the limelight since their rediscovery 30 years ago.

Everything You Need To Know About Old Town AlUla, Saudi Arabia - - Saudi Arabia - Jordan - county King - city Riyadh - city Jeddah

Everything You Need To Know About Old Town AlUla, Saudi Arabia

If you haven’t heard of Alula, don’t sweat it — the fact that it’s relatively unknown among Western travelers is just proof that it’s still mostly free from over-tourism.

Uluru May or May Not Be the Biggest Rock in the World - but It's Sure Jaw-Dropping - - Australia - county Park - county Rock - county Henry

Uluru May or May Not Be the Biggest Rock in the World - but It's Sure Jaw-Dropping

Whether Uluru is the largest monolith in the world really isn’t that important. What matters is that this immense, gorgeous rock in Australia’s Northern Territory, considered sacred by the local Aboriginal people, was formed hundreds of millions of years ago, and that today it stands isolated and beautiful in the desert. The best part is that you can see it with your own eyes, walk around its base, and learn more about what makes it special to the people who own the land on which it rests.

Mexico City Is Filled With Pyramids and You Can Visit Them All - - Spain - Mexico - Guatemala - Belize - Egypt - county Centre - Sudan

Mexico City Is Filled With Pyramids and You Can Visit Them All

Every traveler worth their salt knows that Egypt is not the only country in the world to have pyramids, there are plenty of them in Sudan, Guatemala, Belize, and Mexico, among other locations. In fact, the largest pyramid in the world, The Great Pyramid of Cholula, also known as Tlachihualtépetl, is in Mexico, just 80 miles southeast of Mexico City. And it’s not even the closest pyramid to the capital: The Archeological Site of Teotihuacán, just 27 miles northeast of the city is home to three of them. Actually, Mexico City itself has a few.

Legend Says That a Giant Created This Perfectly Patterned 60-Million-Year-Old Rock Formation - - Ireland - city Dublin - city Belfast - state Indiana

Legend Says That a Giant Created This Perfectly Patterned 60-Million-Year-Old Rock Formation

After you’ve taken a Black Taxi tour of the Northern Irish capital and checked out the world famous Titanic Belfast, make your way to the Giant’s Causeway. The only UNESCO World heritage site in Northern Ireland, this 6o-million-year-old rock formation seems straight out of a fantasy novel. And the best part is that you can visit this incredible place for free.

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