Cdc tips

These are the cleanest cruise ships this year, according to the CDC — including 19 with perfect scores - - city Sanitation

These are the cleanest cruise ships this year, according to the CDC — including 19 with perfect scores

Cruise ships don't always have a squeaky-clean reputation for being ultra-clean. After all, there's a reason they've been infamously dubbed "floating Petri dishes."

A stomach flu outbreak aboard a Celebrity Cruises ship has left 100 people sick -

A stomach flu outbreak aboard a Celebrity Cruises ship has left 100 people sick

New year, same old outbreak: 100 people aboard Celebrity Cruises' recent Celebrity Constellation sailing reported norovirus symptoms, making it the first cruise ship outbreak of 2024, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

U.S. Challenges Court Order Banning Mask Mandate on Flights - - Eu - China - state Florida

U.S. Challenges Court Order Banning Mask Mandate on Flights

The Justice Department on Tuesday asked an appeals court panel to reverse an April 2021 ruling that declared unlawful a government order requiring masks on airplanes, buses, trains, ridesharing services and at airports and other transportation hubs.

Biden Administration Wants Covid Vaccine Mandate for Foreign Travelers to Stay - - Usa - China

Biden Administration Wants Covid Vaccine Mandate for Foreign Travelers to Stay

The White House said Tuesday it opposes legislation before Congress that would end a requirement that most foreign air travelers be vaccinated against Covid-19.

There Is No CDC Travel Advisory For Leprosy In Florida - - Usa - state Florida - Washington, area District Of Columbia - area District Of Columbia - county Atlantic

There Is No CDC Travel Advisory For Leprosy In Florida

An article in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases has reported that cases of leprosy are on the rise in Florida, noting that “central Florida represents an endemic location for leprosy.”

How Dirty Is Your Cruise Ship? The CDC Will Tell You -

How Dirty Is Your Cruise Ship? The CDC Will Tell You

If you’re headed on a cruise this year or considering booking one, you most definitely want to check this resource. While cruises are undoubtedly a great way to travel, there are some downsides, like the fact that you’re traveling in a confined space and germs can spread much more rapidly. Between the norovirus, various outbreaks, and the risk of drinking contaminated water, you want to make sure you’re traveling on a cruise ship that has a clean bill of health … literally.

Is the CDC About to Mandate COVID Tests for Domestic Flights? -

Is the CDC About to Mandate COVID Tests for Domestic Flights?

A negative COVID-19 test is now required for international flights into the U.S., but are domestic flights next? In an interview with Axios on HBO, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said that there is currently an “active conversation” between the Biden administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on requiring coronavirus testing for domestic flights, that is being guided “by data, by science, by medicine, and by the input of the people who are actually going to have to carry this out.”

CDC Mandates COVID Tests for Anyone Flying to the U.S. - - Usa - city Sanitizer

CDC Mandates COVID Tests for Anyone Flying to the U.S.

If you’re flying into the U.S. on January 26 or later, you’re going to need proof of a negative COVID-19 test to enter the country, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Avoid Travel to Canada, Warns the CDC - - Usa - Canada

Avoid Travel to Canada, Warns the CDC

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just upgraded its advisory for Canada to the highest rating, Level 4. “Because of the current situation in Canada, even fully vaccinated travelers may be at risk for getting and spreading COVID-19 variants,” warned the CDC in its latest Travel Health Notices update.

The CDC Just Changed Its Warning Level System for COVID Travel -

The CDC Just Changed Its Warning Level System for COVID Travel

During the pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) implemented Travel Health Notices, a four-level advisory system that evaluated that COVID-19 risk in countries. This system ranked travel safety to destinations based strictly on COVID case counts within countries.

CDC Takes 6 Countries Off Do Not Travel List - - Spain - Czech Republic - South Korea - Faroe Islands - Uganda - Gabon

CDC Takes 6 Countries Off Do Not Travel List

Good news and bad news from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as the agency has taken six countries off of their “do not travel” list. Gabon, South Korea, Spain, Czech Republic, Faroe Islands, and Uganda were all deemed as doing well enough in the pandemic to be moved down to the CDC’s Level 3 ranking (COVID-19 High).

The CDC Just Added 11 New Countries to Its Highest Risk Category for Travel - - Jamaica - Sri Lanka - Brunei

The CDC Just Added 11 New Countries to Its Highest Risk Category for Travel

The list of countries deemed “very high” risk for COVID-19 by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to grow, as 11 more destinations were just moved to the highest risk category. The CDC currently categorizes countries by four levels based on their COVID-19 infection rates.

The CDC Just Updated Its International Travel Guidelines - - Iceland - Portugal - Usa - Singapore

The CDC Just Updated Its International Travel Guidelines

Planning an international trip? Check the new guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) first. The agency just issued new advice for travelers, offering destination-specific recommendations for both vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans.

CDC Gives OK for Vaccinated People to Travel Again - - Usa

CDC Gives OK for Vaccinated People to Travel Again

It’s the news we’ve all been waiting to hear for the last year—the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just announced that fully vaccinated people can travel safely again. The new guidelines are based on studies showing the real-world effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, which indicate that “fully vaccinated travelers are less likely to get and spread COVID-19”.

CDC Changes Travel Warning Levels for 19 Destinations - - Singapore - Kazakhstan

CDC Changes Travel Warning Levels for 19 Destinations

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just updated the warning levels for 19 destinations, increasing the advisory levels for some and decreasing the rankings for others.

Avoid Cruises Regardless of Vaccination Status, Warns CDC -

Avoid Cruises Regardless of Vaccination Status, Warns CDC

As the new Omicron variant surges across the globe, cruises have become virus hotspots, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently investigating outbreaks on more than 90 ships. (The CDC gets involved when more than 0.10 percent of passengers on a ship test positive for COVID-19.)

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