Car Rental Deals tips

Do Uber Drivers Hate Uber? - - New York - San Francisco

Do Uber Drivers Hate Uber?

While its success is based principally on attractive pricing and ease of use, Uber’s business model critically depends on a ready supply of available and motivated workers. While there’s no sign that the supply of potential drivers is drying up, yet, the enthusiasm of Uber drivers seems to be eroding.

Southwest Partners with Rideshare Service - - Los Angeles - Usa - city Nashville - city Las Vegas - county Dallas - county San Diego - Washington, area District Of Columbia - area District Of Columbia - city Louisville - city Chicago - city San Antonio - county Love

Southwest Partners with Rideshare Service

Today’s announcement that Southwest has a new marketing relationship with a rideshare company was no surprise. As rideshare services have become an ever-larger part of the travel landscape, such tie-ups have proliferated. It won’t be long before every airline and hotel loyalty program has a rideshare company on its roster of points-earning partners.

The Uber Dilemma: To Tip, or Not to Tip - - New York - city Pittsburgh - San Francisco - county Day

The Uber Dilemma: To Tip, or Not to Tip

Uber’s policy on tipping is simple and clear: “You don’t need cash when you ride with Uber. Once you arrive at your destination, your fare is automatically charged to your credit card on file – there’s no need to tip.”

Compare Uber, Lyft Prices? There’s an App for That - - city Boston

Compare Uber, Lyft Prices? There’s an App for That

A key selling point of rideshare services like Uber and Lyft is their transparency. Users know where their ride is, how soon it will arrive to pick them up, and how much the fare will be to their destination.

Popular Traffic App Aims to Improve Navigation in Tunnels - - city Paris - city Boston - city Pittsburgh - city Rio De Janeiro - city Bad

Popular Traffic App Aims to Improve Navigation in Tunnels

Everyone’s had their GPS signal drop out in a tunnel, and the community-based traffic and navigation app, Waze, is finally doing something about it. Tunnels exist in almost every major city, but they also serve as a signal blocker for GPS and radio waves.

This Winter, Cheaper (Frostier) Uber Rides in 100-Plus Cities - - city Canadian

This Winter, Cheaper (Frostier) Uber Rides in 100-Plus Cities

What’s better than an Uber ride? A cheaper Uber ride, naturally!

Your Uber Driver: Safer (or Less Safe) than Average? - - Usa - state Connecticut - San Francisco - county Miami - city Manhattan - state Ohio - Columbus, state Ohio

Your Uber Driver: Safer (or Less Safe) than Average?

Perhaps because it’s a new and novel business model, drivers for rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft have come in for considerable scrutiny. Who are these people? Are they safe, responsible, reliable? Am I putting my life at risk when I punch up an Uber ride?

Uber Now Allows Advance Bookings - - city Seattle - city Sander

Uber Now Allows Advance Bookings

Uber is known, and mostly loved, for its on-demand ridesharing service. Need a lift? Launch the Uber app on your smartphone, and within minutes a car and driver will be idling at the curb, at your service.

Rent a Car, Get an Amazon Gift Card - - city Boston

Rent a Car, Get an Amazon Gift Card

You order everything else on Amazon, so why not add a rental car into your shopping cart? If you use your Amazon log-in to rent a car with Avis, you’ll save up to 30 percent off of base rates, plus get up to 20 percent of the rental price back in the form of an Amazon gift card.

Parking Fees Coming to Vegas? Bet on It! - - Los Angeles - New York - city Las Vegas - city New York

Parking Fees Coming to Vegas? Bet on It!

I just returned from a holiday-weekend stay at the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas. Predictably, there was nickel-and-diming aplenty, beginning with the hotel’s nasty, indefensible resort fee of $29 a night, for rooms that featured neither a mini-fridge (better to drive guests to eat at one of the hotel’s 13 restaurants) nor a coffee maker (better to drive guests to caffeinate at one of the hotel’s three Starbucks).

Earn Up to Quadruple Southwest Points for Car Rentals - - city Sander

Earn Up to Quadruple Southwest Points for Car Rentals

Rapid Rewards members normally earn 600 points for qualifying car rentals. That’s 600 points no matter how long the rental, or how much the rental costs—not a very compelling proposition, especially for longer rentals.

New at LAX: Uber Pickups - - Los Angeles - city Los Angeles

New at LAX: Uber Pickups

Beginning today at 8:00 a.m., travelers arriving at Los Angeles International Airport will be able to book Uber rides to their homes or hotels.

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