United Airlines said corporate revenues were up 13% in the third quarter and that demand for premium travel remained resilient.
United Airlines said corporate revenues were up 13% in the third quarter and that demand for premium travel remained resilient.
This is part of the “Places That Changed Us” series, a compilation of 20 trips that have had a lasting impact on the Matador Network team. To see the other 19 places, click here.
New year, new routes.
United Airlines will launch flights in eight brand-new cities next year, marking what the airline called the largest international expansion in its history.
United Airlines just announced its largest-ever international route expansion for summer 2025—including increased flights to tourist-favorite countries like Spain, Italy, and France and brand new routes to lesser-visited destinations like Mongolia, Greenland, and Senegal.
United Airlines is making bold route decisions as it continues to expand its giant international presence.
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