Travel in county San Mateo

Why Oakland Airport’s Rebrand Is Ruffling Feathers In San Francisco - - state California - San Francisco - county Oakland - county Bay - county San Mateo - city Oakland - city San Francisco, county Bay

Why Oakland Airport’s Rebrand Is Ruffling Feathers In San Francisco

Prince did it. Twitter did it. Meta and WW and KFC have all done it. Now Oakland International Airport wants to do it, too.

Oakland Airport's Name Change Is Causing Controversy — Here's Why - - state California - county Oakland - county Bay - county San Mateo - city San Francisco, county Bay

Oakland Airport's Name Change Is Causing Controversy — Here's Why

The Metropolitan Oakland International Airport is no longer. Instead, the Bay Area airport has officially changed its name to the “San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport," sparking controversy in the process.

Homebuilt plane sold last year for $100,000 crashes into ocean off California coast, likely killing 4 people - - Australia - Usa - state California - San Francisco - city San Francisco - county Ferry - county San Mateo

Homebuilt plane sold last year for $100,000 crashes into ocean off California coast, likely killing 4 people

A small homebuilt aircraft crashed off the coast of California on Sunday, The Associated Press reported.

A woman is suing the Ritz-Carlton, alleging she unknowingly drank 'semen-contaminated' water while staying at the luxury hotel - - state California - county Carlton - county Bay - county San Mateo

A woman is suing the Ritz-Carlton, alleging she unknowingly drank 'semen-contaminated' water while staying at the luxury hotel

A couple claims that their visit to the Ritz-Carlton in Half Moon Bay, California, last November ended in "horror" after the woman drank "semen-contaminated water."

U.S. Hotels Likely to Finish Year Strong Thanks to Group Bookings - - China - Canada - San Francisco - city San Francisco - Thailand - county San Mateo

U.S. Hotels Likely to Finish Year Strong Thanks to Group Bookings

Here are the top stories from the Daily Lodging Report newsletter in the past week. Get news on hotel deals, development, stocks, and career moves. Sign up here now.

Exploring the rugged heart of Gran Canaria on foot - - Spain - county San Mateo

Exploring the rugged heart of Gran Canaria on foot

Although it’s renowned for sun and sand, Gran Canaria offers great walking opportunities. Follow well-signed trails in its UNESCO biosphere reserve and explore the pre-Hispanic sacred rocks of Bentayga and Roque Nublo.

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