Sex and relationships tips

I went on one date with a man, and then we decided to travel together indefinitely. It's not as romantic as it seems. - - Spain - Germany - Norway - Greece - Italy - Usa - city Lisbon

I went on one date with a man, and then we decided to travel together indefinitely. It's not as romantic as it seems.

Last year, I finally fulfilled my dream of traveling full-time when I got a job aboard a cruise ship. I was loving every moment of my nomadic life. I was too busy enjoying myself to worry about a relationship.

My husband and I are trying to visit every country in the world. Spending so much time together has made us work on our relationship. - - Switzerland - Britain - Usa

My husband and I are trying to visit every country in the world. Spending so much time together has made us work on our relationship.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Emily Crider . It has been edited for length and clarity.

When I took a solo honeymoon, people thought it meant my marriage was doomed. It was actually so healthy for our relationship. - - Italy - Japan - Canada - Vietnam - Laos - Thailand - Cambodia

When I took a solo honeymoon, people thought it meant my marriage was doomed. It was actually so healthy for our relationship.

"Hi everyone. My name is Laura. I'm a doctor from Nova Scotia, Canada, and a fun fact about me is that even though I'm here alone,  I just got married last month."

My wife and I live in a camper van. Date nights are important for our relationship while on the road. - - Australia

My wife and I live in a camper van. Date nights are important for our relationship while on the road.

I have to admit that when my wife, Steph, told me we were having a date night, I didn't initially get the concept. For the better part of eight years, we've been traveling around Australia in our campervan with no itinerary and no end date. What could be more romantic than that?

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