Svalbard tips

Norway Implements New Tourism Regulations in Svalbard for Wildlife Protection - - Norway

Norway Implements New Tourism Regulations in Svalbard for Wildlife Protection

Starting January 1, 2025, Norway plans to introduce new restrictions for cruise ships and other tourist activities in Svalbard to protect its unique wildlife, including a cap on ship passengers and designated landing sites. Svalbard, a remote archipelago situated above the Arctic Circle, is set to see significant changes in tourism regulations aimed at preserving its pristine environment and diverse wildlife. Known for its dramatic landscapes and as a haven for species like polar bears, reindeer, and walruses, Svalbard’s popularity among adventurous travelers has prompted the Norwegian government to take action to ensure the archipelago’s protection.

Svalbard Travel: New Environmental Regulations You Need To Know - - Norway

Svalbard Travel: New Environmental Regulations You Need To Know

The remote Arctic archipelago of Svalbard has long captivated adventurers and nature enthusiasts with its pristine landscapes, unique wildlife, history of polar exploration, and the allure of endless summer days and total darkness in the winter.

How To Enjoy The Arctic Summer In Longyearbyen, Svalbard -

How To Enjoy The Arctic Summer In Longyearbyen, Svalbard

Have you ever experienced a day that never ends? In Longyearbyen, Svalbard, the Arctic summer offers exactly that.

Polar bears, melting glaciers – and a blues festival: my wild week on Svalbard - - Norway

Polar bears, melting glaciers – and a blues festival: my wild week on Svalbard

Don’t worry,” says our guide Charlotta, flashing her rifle. “I’m really quick if I need to be.” My 12-year-old daughter glances around the Arctic wilderness anxiously. As much as she loved Philip Pullman’s armoured bears, one of the reasons she longed to visit, our proximity to the real thing is starting to dawn on her.

Svalbard Cruises: What To Expect Cruising In The High Arctic - - Netherlands - Germany - Iceland - Norway - state Oregon - Greenland - Faroe Islands

Svalbard Cruises: What To Expect Cruising In The High Arctic

Imagine blocks of ice floating past as you come face-to-face with an imposing blue-tinted glacial wall. A puffin’s zany flight path draws your eye, before you spot the distinctive white bulge of a beluga whale breaking the water.

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